I Voted a/k/a BITCHSLAP!

"Who did you vote for ryan charisma?" Wow aren't all of you, as my mother would say, 'out of line'? Well, I voted for the Black, Arab, Muslim, Socialist Terrorist. Yes I did. Take that you douche bag Republicans! BITCHSLAP! Even if my candidate loses, I want my voice heard. I demand to be heard. And my vote IS my voice. Listen ass wipe Christian fanatics who are their own special form of terrorist. I AM DONE WITH YOU! BITCHSLAP! Feel that wrath coming down on you and your hate? Feel that bitch slap? Good, I hope it leaves a mark.
By these record numbers of votes, I feel Obama will win this election and if he wins both the electorate & the popular vote: There will be no stopping him.
BITCHSLAP! Ah that feels good.
I voted for Hussein guy too
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