As a kid, I was quite an artist. I could draw, paint and construct almost anything I wanted to. And quite well, I may add. One summer, I think I was probably around 13yo. I had a fascination with Superman, Batman & Robin. Why? Because I thought they were sexy. Huge muscles, and fun clothing. A gay boy's dream.
(YES Virgina, gays are born that way) So, this specific summer day, my mother was in the backyard as was I, and I had left my sketch book on the table in our yard. Not thinking, I didn't mind my mother flipping through my sketch book. It was half full of my work. Some independent drawings, some sketches for school, and some charcoals for my private lessons I was taking. So mom comes across, drawings I did of said superheros. Superheros in compromising positions that a good Catholic boy shouldn't think of or create with a pencil & paper.
Never mind, take part of. The most embarrassing sketches were pictures of the superheros' logos with
their hard dick bursting through.
(think a team mascot jumping through the paper hoop) Well, I thought my mother would die. I wished so bad that I would just evaporate into thin air. My mother tore the pages out of my sketch book and I was spoken to immediately. I was not to draw these type of pictures again. Ever. And I didn't. To this day. I was just a gay teen, I knew what I did was inappropriate but was it wrong? I had no gay clubs in school. I had no friends that were gay. I didn't even know gay people existed except for me, and some older kid Tommy who got beat up at school all the time. I filed this story under humiliation for the past 25 years or so.
if the above sketch is yours...you've got a GREAT eye for detail and realism; i love it. re: the story of humiliation...that's what molds us into the well adjusted and fucked-up-under-the-surface gay adults we are today...
Well, seeing that the mention that the above one is *not* yours...
How about forking up the originals by you??
Please oh please... If you can't find them, draw some more...
Your public awaits...
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