Ok, I have to tell everyone about this show "
Martin Short, Fame Becomes Me" that my friend Michael
(thank you Michael) took me to last night. It was great, hysterical and highly entertaining. First off I'll tell you that this show is a full scale musical with a pit orchestra as well as having the composer
Marc Shaiman onstage as one of the performers with Martin Short. The other performers who played various characters in the show were great. Super-great. They sang, danced, did sketch comedy and performed imitations of famous celebrities wonderfully. Truly gift roles for people with the ability to play several characters at once. The story was basically Martin Short's fictitious auto-biography. Some of Martin's more famous characters
(Ed Grimley, Jiminy Glick, etc.) were also making appearances in the show. If you're in NYC and you've already done the
Hairspray &
Wicked thing. Go see this, it's a theatrical treat, it's funny and it won't be around long. I mean, who else can be Martin Short? Go see it.
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