I'm off kiddies! Tomorrow I must head back home to my parents as I've had a death in the family. I'll be attending services both Friday & Saturday. I'll then be taking my long anticipated in
Provincetown, MA. Home of legal same-sex marriage. Mr. Adam & I will be 'turning out' that quaint, little New England town. I can't wait. So I may/may not be updating my blog. I don't know what the week will bring. But whatever it does bring, at least I won't be working or stuck in NYC. I've got NYC cabin fever. I know when I have it because I
truly believe that people on the subway desperately are begging for a good, old fashioned beating. But I won't go there. Not now, I've got to be in a good frame of mind for this extravaganza of a trip. Wish me luck! Oh, and if you happen to be in p-town, gimme a
holla! "Hey is that Ryan Charisma?" "He looks like a supermodel." "I heard he's just as beautiful inside too." "Ryan Charisma is the best - HEY RYAN WE LOVE YOU!" Aw, shucks guys. I'll be taking the 6:30pm fast boat to p-town on Saturday - sounds like a party to me! Trust me I'll need it after the funeral.
Hope you are having a blast in Ptown!
Sorry to hear of the loss in your family, my sympathies go out to you and your family.
Good Luck on the 'turning out'
Sorry to hear about the somber nature of the trip but sounds like you will make the best of it!
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