True Colors Tour - True 35th Birthday Party

At 7:00PM - we all went to Radio City Music Hall to see the True Colors Tour. This was quite a treat.
First off, I got a fabulous drink in Radio City Music Hall cocktail glass and a birthday tiera. I am a princess after all. Then we checked out Radio City and enjoyed the mini-gay pride that was going on all around. I love the gays - they're so fun. We took our seats and the show began. I mean, our timing was perfect really.
The Dresden Dolls: They were OK, a little "goth" for my tastes, but I did enjoy their rendition of Black Sabbath's "War Pigs" - very classy. Although the pianist was the lead vocalist, I have to say the show was the drummer. He was pure craziness, with costume changes and all. So the big question is "Ryan Charisma - did you like them?" Um, ...Not really.
Margaret Cho: She was funny lady! And of course, as everyone knows - she's lost allot of weight. She looked good. Well, for a girl.
Debbie Harry: America's favorite geriatric rocker. Sadly Ms. Harry gave us nothing from her Blondie days and only one of her solo hits "French Kissing in the USA." The rest of Debbie's set was all new stuff from her forthcoming CD due out in August.
Rosie O'Donnell: She was great. She mentioned her bid to become the new host of "The Price is Right." I kind of hope she gets it, except I do find the show boring. Yes, I said it...."boring." I really enjoyed Rosie's set. I never got the feeling that anything was "off limits" for her to talk about but sadly she never mentioned that festering bitch Elizabeth Hasselbeck. God I hate that faux Republican bitch. I hope on her maternity leave from the View she either dies or gets "let go."
Erasure: AWESOME! I'll say it again: AWESOME! Sadly they didn't do my favorite Erasure song "Alien" but that's OK, I'll survive. Their energy was up and they had a new backup singer. In the zillions of times I've seen Erasure - I've never seen them with a white girl backup singer. But they have one now. They did a lovely mix of their old & new songs. Particularly I loved their live rendition of Sunday Girl & Sucker For Love. So absolutely fun.
Cindy Lauper: This girl can sing! And sing she did. for quite a while. She did old songs, new songs, new arrangements, she had it all and it was good. As usual, Cindy goes directly into the audience to be with the fans. She was absolutely beautiful .... like a rainbow!
The entire evening ended with the whole cast onstage singing "True Colors" - very touching.
Odd, but I still don't think the red states think of me as an equal. Weird right?
Well Happy Birthday. If I'd have known,I'd have gotten you something.
Who am I kidding ... the only thing you'd get from me is the clap.
Happy Belated. Wow, sounds like a great tour of 80's stars. I always wanted to see Lauper in person, I still love her voice!
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