OK my friends, I'm sorry I was away so long. I was burning the candle at both ends for a while as well as traveling. I'll try to keep this short, but I can only try.
Let's start at the Holiday beginning:
Mr. Adam & I went to my parents home (NH) for Christmas. We arrived on Sunday and stayed until
Wednesday. It was great to see my family and all the relatives. My parents as long as I remember have always had a Christmas Eve Open House. This was going to be Mr. Adam's second, his first being a few years ago at my parents'. Christmas Eve was great. After my aunt dying last year, my whole family wanted this Christmas to have everyone together, which is understandable. It really was great to see my immediate and extended family. And I love that they get along with Mr. Adam. My nieces and nephews are growing up so fast. I'm sad that I live so far away, but when I do get to see them (even for a short time) it makes me happy. Gifts, gifts, gifts - I won't go into what was given/gotten as I don't like that Christmas has become all about this
phenomenon. But what I will mention is that my parents gave Mr. Adam & I an
iRobot Roomba. I love it. Actually my whole family has one and they all adore
theirs so I got one. yeah!
So Mr. Adam & I come home from the holidays and Mr. (who has more vacation time than anyone I know) didn't have to return to work until after New Year's Day. I, however went right back on December 27, 2007. But my trade off was that I would be taking the following Thursday (January 3, 2008) and Friday (January 4, 2008) off. My friend Jason was coming to visit from Seattle, WA. He arrived Saturday and that same night we took him to a great Holiday Party at our friend Kenn home here in NYC. I would like to say that I partied all night, but the truth is I fell asleep during the party. Yes, momma cannot hold his liquor. It's true, two drinks and Ryan Charisma is falling asleep. I don't even get rip roaring drunk. I just slowly make my way to a corner and begin to nod off. It's quite embarrassing, but I get up so early to make it into the gym and I won't give that up (although I'd like to).
So New Year's Eve comes and Mr. Adam & I join our friend Evan & Jeffrey for a small party at their UES apartment. I always appreciate a New Year's Eve as far away from the idiots in Times Square as possible. Jeffrey prepared a lovely dinner and we toasted in the New Year. Oh by the way, I also fell asleep again. This time, I was so inebriated I had to lay down the minute we finished dinner. I just don't hold booze well kids. I just don't. And if you're wondering, I had one & a half cosmos. That's all it takes. See all this prettiness comes at a cost. And my price is being a light weight drinker.
Finally I had a few days off that I wasn't travelling and my friend Jason & I went shopping at MOODE fabrics as he's a clothing designer. Or rather, in school studying design. Now you're thinking, "Ryan Charisma isn't MOODE the place the contestants on Project Runway shop at?" Well yes, yes it is. And let me tell you, floors & floors of fabric as far as the eye can see. I got bored. I can do this trip once perhaps twice a year, but not much more. It was so great to see Jason and spend some time with him. He looks great and has really found a spark to focus on and that interests him. I'm glad I know a clothing designer. It may come in handy someday.
Sadly, I sent my friend Jason back off to Seattle, and I had to return to the working world.
Labels: friends, trip
OMG. what an experience. Good luck with everything, and I will be following the project of the week section over at Burdastyle to see you in action.
Fabrics Usa Inc
nice work... vest of luck
Sequin Fabrics
great work...
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