The Dark Knight - IMAX

I really like these new Batman movies. Although dark, these movies really, really deliver. I know, I know you're thinking "ryan charisma, you're so cutting edge, why did you wait so long to see it?" Well, the truth is I was busy during the summer with weekends in the Hamptons & Connecticut - my social calendar was chock full. Besides Mr. Adam & I only wanted to see it on the IMAX screen. I guess we're movie snobs.
I'm going to say it. Heath Ledger in his farewell performance was really, really, really good. He was. Was he worthy of an Academy Award? No. There I wrote it right here. Now you know. He was great, but not inspired. Should you see this film? Absolutely, and if it's on the IMAX, run don't walk.
I LOVED this in IMAX... And that was the second time I saw it...
I actually enjoyed Ledger MORE the second time around when I could really get into the intricate plot details and the psychological profile of his character...
I think Ledger's Joker was right on par with Anthony Hopkins' Hannibal Lechter myself...
>>I know, I know you're thinking "ryan charisma, you're so cutting edge, why did you wait so long to see it?"
No, I can assure you that I definitely was not thinking this.
Seeing a mainstream Hollywood blockbuster now passes for "cutting-edge"? Dear lord.
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