Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
18 or 21

Now about you people shouting off about "if they're old enough to defend our country & vote, then their old enough to drink." But you see the issue isn't the 19yo who can't drink today. It's the 15 yo who can't drink if we lower the age tomorrow. You see? With the drinking age at 21, mostly 18, 19 & 20 yo are sneaking the hooch. But if the age lowers to 18, then the 15, 16 & 17 yo will be the ones sneaking. Is everyone following me? These 16 yo have just gotten their licence and can't make good driving decisions sober, never mind if they've been out with their friends
and still need to rush home for their curfew. Hence, a barrage of horrible awful car accidents. Are you ready for your children, nieces & nephews to die in a car wreck due to alcohol? If that call comes tomorrow, will you shrug and say "oh well, it's the price I'm willing to pay so that 18 yo can drink." I doubt that. Overall, I'm saying the "sneaking age" of alcohol will lower and that is the issue. Not whether 'soldier' Johnny can die for his country (his choice btw) and drink, but rather that 'little' Johnny doesn't find himslef wrapped around a bridge abutment on some random Friday night with a car full of kids. Or worse 'little' Johnny will smash into your car, or your wife's, mother's, husband's, father's or children's cars. If you've ever lost a loved one this way, you would understand where I'm comming from.

So in turn I say, NO do NOT lower the drinking age. As we can see from this entire selfish generation of children, who are supposed to be the first generation that won't outlive their parents, and who we're trying to preserve this planet for, who refuse to practice safe-sex, they're not responsible. Not with money, not with their lives and certainly not with yours or your family's.
Kids will be kids, but don't give them alcohol while they're doing it.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Boycott Beijing 08

I will walk out of any room that has the Olympics on. I will not stay and give a country with so many human rights violations anything that resembles my respect or attention.
So ask me what I think of Michael Phelps' winnings? I'll say "I'm boycotting the Olympics." Ask me what I thought of the opening ceremony? I'll say "I'm boycotting the Olympics." So too bad for these shallow, yes I said it, shallow athletes who (boo hoo) this is the only time they'll get to compete on this level. "Fuck you!" - MOST people don't get to compete on that level. And MOST people don't get millions of dollars
to be on the cover of Wheaties. Again, FUCK YOU athletes with no moral fiber. Sadly the ones that did speak out, were the ones not allowed into the country. hmmmm. Go figure. But you, sad, pathetic group of athletes put aside the human condition so you can bask in a faux glory that may be deserved, but was brought about on the backs of a horrible government ruining it's own country's humanity. "Yeah, good for you. I'm so proud you won a fucking medal on the balance beam while some one's mother/father/son/daughter is being imprisoned and beaten...or worse." Your priorities are perfectly American, good for you.

Now am I saying my country is so wonderful, hell no. For starters why
the hell didn't our government say no to this? I would have supported America not participating. Hell, I DO support America not participating. But I'll be damned if our dim-wit President goes over there to actually watch the games! Can you really believe that? What other President of the United States has ever had enough time to go over and observe the Olympics? I'll tell you....NONE! Fucking lame ass Bush.

Shame on our government, shame on our athletes and shame on you!
I'm boycotting the Olympics.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
The Raw Shark Texts

The main character of the book Second Eric Sanderson awakens in his room with complete amnesia, he can't remember anything about his life - First Eric Sanderson. He begins therapy with a psychiatrist but finds later finds that First Eric Sanderson has methodically sent him information pertaining to his past life. Apparently, First Eric Sanderson was trying to save the memories of his girlfriend/wife (who died) with conceptual fish. (Momma told you this got esoteric.) But the worst of the conceptual fish the Ludovician. A giant conceptual shark that feeds on memories. Hence, why Second Eric Sanderson remembers nothing. This Ludovician doesn't stop eating its prey's memories until they're gone. So once Second Eric Sanderson begins living as Eric Sanderson the Ludovican can pick up on his trail and attack. And it does attack wherever and whenever it can.
The remainder of the book is Second Eric Sanderson trying to find out more about his life. And trying to remain one step ahead of the Ludovician. Eventually the end of the story is similar to Jaws, only different. I think this would make a really, really interesting movie. Sort of a cross between Memento & Jaws. If you read, you may like this. But remember, you have to think about this one. kisses!
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