Tuesday, September 30, 2008

RANT: An Oral Biography of Buster Casey

Well, I'm back and I've read another book by my favorite author Chuck Palahniuk. This book RANT was good, honestly not my favorite book by this author. But still twisted in the ways that only Mr. Palahniuk can spin. He's brilliant I tell you.
The story is literally a series of interviews with the people in Buster Casey's life. So reading it is a little strange. The story involves time travel, car crashing as a pastime, seeking out rabies infection and killing your ancestors. There's a combination for you.
Overall, I would have to say that this book was not my favorite of Mr. Palahniuk's. Perhaps I feel this way because I could really care less about cars and spider bites. But hey that's me.
Carry on!


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Palin - Put Up, or Shut Up

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Asshole Associate - Mark Buse

This fucker is a TRAITOR and has no place within the gay community. This bastard Mark Buse works as chief of staff for McCain. This complete douche works for the same party that wants to not only prevent our rights, but he also works towards eliminating the ones we have (while enjoying them).
If you see this fat fuck, let him know what a complete asshole he is. I know I will.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Burn After Reading

Yesterday afternoon Evan, Jeffrey, Mr. Adam & I went to go see Burn After Reading. I liked it. It wasn't awesome. But it was good. I found the acting great and the direction super, but really the story is only eh. Damn, George Clooney is good looking. The story is about alleged CIA information getting into the wrong hands, elective surgery & blackmail. It was a fun Sunday afternoon movie.
Should I see it ryan charisma? Well,... yes but really, it would just as good on DVD. There's no need to rush to the theater like you should for The Dark Knight.
Pick it up in a few months.


In The Woods

Hey kids! I finished another book. I have to tell you. It was eh. Only OK. It could be an interesting movie, but really. It didn't give me the answers I wanted. And I want answers.
This book was written by Tana French. It is her first novel and fundamentally, it was apparent. As Salieri said in Amadeus "too many notes." And that is how I feel about this book. Too much. It's muddled with words, muddled with booze and muddled with icky sexual relationships that weren't naturally occurring. I didn't hate this book, but the main issue of the narrators past is never really explained.
If anyone has read this book I'd love to know what you thought of it. Perhaps I missed something? Anyway, I'm glad its finished and I've moved on to something better.


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Community Organizer

Thank you, Mrs. Palin, you may sit down and shut the fuck up!

kuddos to Southernboy for this

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Bristol is Trash, no birth control or safe sex here.
Govenor Palin, tell me all about abstinence only education again?

The Dark Knight - IMAX

WOW! Last Saturday night, Abbey, Evan, Jeffrey, Jeff, Michael, Mr. Adam & I went to see the new Batman movie The Dark Night on the IMAX. First off, I have to say that the IMAX added so much to this film. It really did. I loved the action in this movie. It really pulled me in. Yes, it was a long-ass movie.
I really like these new Batman movies. Although dark, these movies really, really deliver. I know, I know you're thinking "ryan charisma, you're so cutting edge, why did you wait so long to see it?" Well, the truth is I was busy during the summer with weekends in the Hamptons & Connecticut - my social calendar was chock full. Besides Mr. Adam & I only wanted to see it on the IMAX screen. I guess we're movie snobs.
I'm going to say it. Heath Ledger in his farewell performance was really, really, really good. He was. Was he worthy of an Academy Award? No. There I wrote it right here. Now you know. He was great, but not inspired. Should you see this film? Absolutely, and if it's on the IMAX, run don't walk.