Silver Sage

I got up early and went to the gym and then food shopping (per usual). Then I broke out the paintbrushes & rollers. White ceilings, white trim and fast. I had to have this done in time to greet Mr. Adam when he came home from his business trip. "I'm painting as fast as I can" I tell myself. So I'm figuring out slowly throughout the day that I'm going to have to compromise my expected finish time. This task is bigger than what I expected. I've yet to put color on the walls. Finally with two coats of my fabulous "spa like" white dried and ready to be taped over; I begin the walls. I'm sure you're thinking "what color did you pick Ryan Charisma?". I'll tell you. Silver Sage from Restoration Hardware. It's a lovely color. Masculine in a "spa like" manner. It went on in two coats and looks great. I my new bathroom but I found that after I cleaned up and reinstalled my shelves and belongings that I'm very late to meet Mr. Adam. About 4 hours behind. I'm sad I missed Mr. Adam's return, but I had to finish the job I started. I was so tired and Mr. Adam & I had made plans to go see Walk The Line with our friends Kenn & Joey. I finally made it to Mr. Adam's place by 7:30pm and our movie was at 9:30pm. What a great time; I was so happy to see Mr. Adam and the movie, I loved it. And I'm glad I saw it. I wouln't normally pick this movie but I really liked it.