Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
World War Z

Labels: Book
Friday, November 14, 2008
Hey folks, an artistical friend of mine sent me three of his latest pieces that were shown in an art show recently. Check them out and leave your comments, if you have any. I'll leave the artist as anonymous so you can feel free to leave whatever your gut reaction to the art is. I always believed that the gut reaction to art is the most honest. Please don't confuse honestly with cruel.
#1 The Temptress#2 Voodoo Baby
#3 The Unexpected

Labels: friends
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Politicalishness (protest proposition H8)

If I can share one more piece of information with everyone. Go to this site. Check out where your protest for the national day of protest for proposition H8 is. It's this Saturday. Be there and support your gays. See you at the protest!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008
I Voted a/k/a BITCHSLAP!

"Who did you vote for ryan charisma?" Wow aren't all of you, as my mother would say, 'out of line'? Well, I voted for the Black, Arab, Muslim, Socialist Terrorist. Yes I did. Take that you douche bag Republicans! BITCHSLAP! Even if my candidate loses, I want my voice heard. I demand to be heard. And my vote IS my voice. Listen ass wipe Christian fanatics who are their own special form of terrorist. I AM DONE WITH YOU! BITCHSLAP! Feel that wrath coming down on you and your hate? Feel that bitch slap? Good, I hope it leaves a mark.
By these record numbers of votes, I feel Obama will win this election and if he wins both the electorate & the popular vote: There will be no stopping him.
BITCHSLAP! Ah that feels good.
Monday, November 03, 2008
The B-52's LIVE

I must admit, that we drank allot. It's Sam's fault, he makes us drink. After all, I was brought up with proper Christian values. Hooray for the LOVE SHACK BABY!
Labels: concert