Last Friday night Mikey from Jersey took Mr. Adam & I to the theater. We saw
The Phantom of the Opera here on Broadway. OK, let's go...
The last time I saw this show (on Broadway) was in 1990 with my dear friend Meg. Mr. Adam had never seen Phantom except for the movie. So we went. Tourists. Tourists and more tourists. We had excellent orchestra seats and I have to admit, I was a little excited about seeing the show again after 20 years. We had to endure during the entire Act I of the show some dumbass foreigner's translation box turned up so loud I though I was going to kill. Phantom is a musical with specific quiet and silent points on purpose and all I heard was some female/electronic translation device running and running. I thought the Jersey guy next to us was going to kill someone. At intermission we dealt with the stupid tourists. They tried to save money and bought one translator which "should be" held next to the ear, not shared and held out like a walkie talkie. HATE! I hated her! Dumb bitch. Act II was better, well for noise levels. Let's talk the show now....
We saw the new phantom, Christine & Raoul. Can you say bad? Follow with me kids "BAD". Christine not only didn't have the vocal chops to sing her role, but she was a really bad actress. How bad ryan charisma? Well, let me say that there was nothing organic about her blocking. She walked on and moved on the stage merely hitting her marks and moving her arms. Raoul's songs were dropped to be baritone. What's with that? And no, he wasn't the understudy. I forgave Raoul somewhat, my friends didn't. The phantom - eh, I'd like to say that maybe he was just new and still getting used to the show. But from what I understand he's been swinging the role for quite a while. Too bad, it's his show and he was merely mediocre.
Should I see it ryan charisma? Well only under two circumstances: 1) if their understudies are on. I can't see how they'd be any worse. Or 2) if they recast the show. The sets, costumes and supporting cast were great and in fine shape for a play over two decades running. But those leads. Someone saved some money.
Labels: play